The first is small honey jars. I purchased the first one (the beehive) on my birthday and my sister, Juliann, gave me the other one for Christmas. I know 2 doesn't really qualify as a collection, but I intend to accumulate more over time.
The second collection is blue mason jars. I found my first one in our friend's store in August and intended to start a collection, but hadn't come across any until Christmas day. I guess Grandma Brown heard about my desire to collect them and so she gave Jake and I three in a basket filled with goodies!
I've never really been a person to collect things (except for the awesome rock collection I had when I was little). And I don't intend to go completely overboard with either one since I don't have a lot of space to put them, but I think both will be fun to have. And I think one of my friends should plan their wedding around blue mason jars. I would gladly lend them out. I've read that you shouldn't put candles in them, but they would be great as vases. I would also gladly plan the entire wedding. Any takers?
Do you remember the little honey pot that Frances gave us? It has a little bear sitting aside the hive with bees flying about. I asked M2 if she had given it to her or to you. She can't remember; can you?
I remember one that sounds similar, but I thought Grandma and I found it at a garage sale. I'm not sure what happened to it though.
and I thought Frances gave it to us! Another 'senior moment'...fret not, I have it and will send it to you. I'm sure its the same one you are remembering. ;)
I can see where you would be confused since Frances was my grandma too ;)
Megan, I felt a 'smile' when I read your comment. ;)
She's not gone, just away, and sometimes she sits upon my shoulder. :)
You can help me plan our wedding. I know we are married already but we never had a wedding. We plan to have one but my dad is going to Iraq for the war again and so we decided to have it when he comes home. I think the summer of 2011. We need to plan sometime to get together soon!
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